Be Among the Few

The Apostle Paul used the analogy of an athlete striving for mastery, and how the athlete isn't crowned unless he stays within the parameters of the rules of the competition. We live in a generation where among those seeking a heavenly crown it is promoted that grace allows for bending the rules. This is a damnable... Continue Reading →

Stop Pissing in Your Wells

People that are selfish, which is the same as unloving, inevitably piss in the wells given to them to drink from. We live in a world that has become a desert. There aren’t many wells with living water. We have oceans full of water that is undrinkable, lakes contaminated with trash and chemicals, and plenty... Continue Reading →

Passing Winter’s Test

There is nothing like a good fire to help you pass winter’s test. Winter tests our faith with its bitter cold and overcast skies. The lifeless terrain of dormant plants, even on sunny days, create a boring canvas of brown in many shades. Cloudy days can cast everything monochrome, just grays and blacks. There are... Continue Reading →

All It Takes Is One Pebble

Your smallest prayer is greater than your biggest problem. Goliath seemed like a big problem, but one smooth stone from the brook ended him. Our Father knows what we need even before we pray. The victory is in the communion. GOD is still saying, “Come unto me, and I will give you rest.” The hope... Continue Reading →

The Gift of Childhood

This Christmas season is largely thought of as a time when children receive gifts. However, it can just as easily be thought of as a time to celebrate the gift that gave children. For as many as believe on the Gift are given the power to become the children of GOD. Of course, the Gift... Continue Reading →

Secret of the Blooming Heart

One good way of determining if you are in right standing with GOD is by taking a measure of your gratefulness. If after counting your blessings, you are not grateful unto tears, there is something missing in your relationship with GOD. Somewhere, your heart feels slighted. If you consider GOD as your shepherd that that... Continue Reading →

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